Sunday, August 5, 2012

Build Your Own Top Bar-Warre Beehive!

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experie nced Build Your Own Top Bar-Warre Beehive!

Once you've decided to build a beehive yourself, the next examine arises, which kind? The riposte to this examine depends on your beekeeping experience, woodworking skills and broad philosophy about raising bees. There are two basic model of hives currently being used: the Langstroth Hive as well as the Top Bar/Warre Hive.

Build Your Own Top Bar-Warre Beehive!

Langstroth Beehive

There are essentially two types of honey beehive models. The first beehive is the Langstroth hive invented in the mid-1800s by Rev. Lorenzo Lorraine Langstroth. While he was not the first to use frames in the construction of beehives, he made the important discovery about production it work well. All modern day beekeepers owe a debt to him.

Rev. Langstroth discovered how to use the "bee space". The size of open space determines whether and what bees will build in it: if less than 3/8 in, it will be propolis (a sticky resinous mixture); if it is greater than 3/8 space they will build honey or brood comb; if it is 3/8 in they will build nothing.

A hive built with frames 3/8 in apart results in bees construction comb separated by the frames. This revolutionized beekeeping. Honey was harvested without destroying comb and bees. Without having to enduringly rebuild comb which is more energy arduous than production honey, they produced more honey.

Top Bar/Warre Hive

The top bar hive is an easy hive to build and when required expand. In its simplest form it is a box with a roof and a "landing". The slats across the top of the hive box, the top bars, furnish a place from which honeybees can grow their comb. The type of hive takes benefit of the bee space. The top bars are arranged about 3/8 in apart.

In essence, the Warre hive is a top bar hive with manifold hive boxes. Once you learn how to make the basic form of this beehive, you can add as many hive boxes as you wish.

Here are the 4 main advantages of the Top Bar or Warre Hive: Easy to build - requires a minimum of materials namely: wood, nails, and varnish. Quick build 3 - 4 hours at most. Simple form - roof, quilt (really, like a warm blanket), hive box and landing. No involved maintenance schedules -- great for gardeners and novice hobbyists.

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