Sunday, June 24, 2012

Easy (and Fun) Craft Projects For Boys

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Easy (and Fun) Craft Projects For Boys

Girls seem to be simply attracted to arts and crafts, but boys are sometimes a different matter. If you're running a summer camp, keeping a crafts party or just want to get your sons complex in a neat project, you may be scratching your head when it comes to craft ideas. Fortunately, there are some categories of crafts that attract boys of all ages.

Easy (and Fun) Craft Projects For Boys

Nature Crafts

Nature crafts are a good option for boys. This allows them to go out into the wilderness and gain the materials.

A great nature craft idea is "Forest Friends." These crafts are easy to make and will allow the boys to work off some of that excess energy. Take them to the park and ask them to gain leaves, twigs and pinecones.

When you return back home from the park, let the boys decorate their finds with googly eyes and puff balls. Use Gorilla Glue or someone else multi-purpose glue that will adhere to the natural surfaces. Make faces on the leaves and pinecones, and then attach the twigs for bodies. You can make limbs from building paper and the boys will have nature-inspired puppets to play with for the rest of the day.

Character Crafts

Boys like creating crafts that help them pretend they are their beloved heroes and characters. Pirates are very beloved these days, so any pirate-related crafts will be well received. You can provide the supplies to make a building paper or sewn felt eye patches, depending on the age of the boys.

Every pirate needs a parrot, so there's someone else easy craft idea. Use old toilet paper tubes, feathers and markers so each boy can have a personal parrot sidekick. Boys will also enjoy making treasure chests from old shoeboxes and treasure maps to find their loot from paper bags and markers.

Science Crafts.

If you have an older group of boys to entertain with crafts, don't underestimate the power of science-themed crafts. These crafts are part science experiment, part craft. One example of a science themed craft is imperceptible writing. For this craft, you'll need a laxative tablet, one tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, cotton balls and ammonia.

Crush the tablet into a box and then add the alcohol. Have the boys use paintbrushes to originate their inexpressive messages. As the ink dries, it will disappear. To see the message, easy have them rub the pieces of paper with cotton balls soaked in ammonia. It's not the most pleasant smelling craft, but it sure is a lot of fun!

As long as you keep boys active and engaged, they'll have as much fun with crafts as girls do. Although they aren't sick person adequate for beaded lanyards, they have activities and interests that can engage them just as much. So before you assume that boys and crafts just don't mix, try some of these ideas.

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